Does Virtual Acne Treatment Really Work?

Our clinic has been treating acne long-distance for over a decade. 


What exactly does "treating acne long-distance" mean? We teach clients step-by-step, through verbal and written instruction, how to clear their skin - without ever having to have a physical acne treatment.

Naturally, the biggest question we get asked about our long-distance acne program is "does it work?" The next question is "how do the results compare to your in-person treatments?" 

We have seen huge success with our long-distance clients over the years. In fact, the results with our virtual acne clients are the same as our in-clinic ones: 95%. 

The reason for this is that treating acne effectively is all about prevention.

1. Specific things cause acne to form.

2. Once acne is formed, it takes 1-3 months to appear on the surface of the skin.

3. Products are used to reduce and remove visible lesions.

4. From day 1, identify and eliminate acne-causing triggers.

When a person identifies and eliminates the specific things that cause acne and uses products to prevent dead-skin cell build-up within the pore, acne can't form. 

Our approach to treating acne long-distance is based on this approach: First, we address a person's current acne by showing them how to use strong and effective products to minimize lesions that are present. Next, and most importantly, we educate them on how to prevent new acne from forming - this is the key to long-term success. 

The entire process can take 2-4 months, depending on how long it takes for the already-formed acne to rise to the surface of the skin. Once all the old acne has made its way out and the client has prevented any new acne from forming - clear skin is the result.

We specialize in treating acne in person and long-distance. If you need help with your skin, click here to find out how we can help you.


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